Just Practice

Yesterday, I PR’d my 10K time on my first outdoor run of the season. This was a huge accomplishment for me and I feel very proud. That pride was hard-earned. I have been following a very specific running program and working both smarter AND harder than I ever have. I found a plan that I enjoy and that I can stick to.

Over the years, I have been asked many different questions that all have the same answer:

What is the best exercise to burn calories?
What is the best meditation practice?
What style of yoga should I do?

The answer? Whichever one you are actually going to do!

In the meditation workshop that I teach, we talk about the importance of practice. There are many benefits to meditation however one must regularly practice in order to experience them. Any activity that is good for us, needs to be practiced and repeated. One yoga class a week won’t undo the remaining 167 hours of bad posture. A 3-day juice cleanse doesn’t make up for weeks of unhealthy eating.

If we invest in our practice, and ourselves, we will get benefits in return.