Patience and Grace

Six months ago, I stood in front of a room of over a hundred staff who were about to embark on one of the biggest things our organization had it done in 50 years. They were opening a new site, taking on new responsibilities, and being plunged into the unknown. As I stood in front of this group I asked them for two things: patience and grace. I asked them to have patience with the process and with each other and grace when that patience ran out.

We are currently in an unprecedented time. So many are out of work and afraid. Those who are still working are doing so either in a new environment at home, or in a potentially risky environment out in public. So many essential workers are embracing the challenge despite their own personal risk.

Now seems like the appropriate time to ask each other for patience and grace.

Be patient with yourself. Let anxiety and fear come up, but don't let them consume you. Be patient as you process the unknown. The more patience you have with yourself, the more likely you will extend that to others.

Give yourself some extra grace. You're going to lose your temper. You are going to cry. You are going to eat an entire pint of Ben & Jerry's. You're not going to want to workout, or do the things that you know will help. In these moments extend grace to yourself. Let yourself experience these emotions and feelings, but again don't let it consume you.

Have patience with yourself and grace for the times when you don't.