Finding Happiness

Real talk.

It’s been a difficult week. A REALLY difficult week.

There was something going on in every aspect in my life. There was nowhere I could run to get a break.


Then my friend sent me this cartoon with a caption that said “This is how I see you.” And then I cried. I did not cry out of sadness or exhaustion, but rather joy. In this moment I felt truly seen. It is such a blessing to have a friend who can see what you are doing your best to put out into the world.

While it had been a really challenging time, I was still happy. I refused to let all of the frustrations and obstacles of the week steal my joy. I breathed, moved, worked and rested, and above all focused on the things that brought me happiness. Even in the darkness, there is still light to focus on.

This week choose happiness. It is not something that you are owed or that you have earned. It is something that you create for yourself by choosing it over and over again.

Find happiness. Choose joy.

Alyssa GustwillerComment