Choose Your Hard

Life will always be hard.

Take a moment to let that sink in. Before one moves into judgment of oneself or others, level the playing field. Life is hard. Period.

Living unhealthy is hard.
Making healthy decisions is hard.
Marriage is hard. Divorce is hard.
Being in debt is hard.
Maintaining financial discipline is hard.
Communication is hard. Silence is hard.

We have the opportunity to choose our hard. On the surface, one choice looks like it is the “right” or “easy” one. As the old saying goes: “Everyone is fighting a battle that you know nothing about.”
No matter what things look like on the outside, life is a challenge for everyone.

Some life situations limit the options to choose from, while others require that you make the hard decision over and over and over again.

What is your hard? Which hard are you having to choose?

Once you decide your hard, what are you going to do to make deciding this hard repeatedly an easier task? How are you going to set yourself up for success? What do you need to commit to your hard?

Anytime you are faced with a life decision where you have to choose your hard, ask yourself these questions in order to prepare to do the hard thing.
